

Vermouth is colloquially known as both the “spirit of wines” and the “wine of the spirits”, having qualities that align both with what constitutes and creates both wine and spirits. Shop Vermouth at I Like Wine today!

This beverage is made from grapes, herbs, and spices like wine, but is normally added to cocktails and mixers, as you would with a spirit.

Ever since wine was introduced all over Europe, creative distillers would experiment with their processes by fortifying their wine and flavouring it. This was the initial process for the creation of what we now know as Vermouth.

Vermouth has a gentle aroma and genuine flavour, mainly consumed as an appetiser or in cocktails.

Italians began to produce Vermouth and to market it in neighbouring France and other European countries, which then started producing it themselves, adding their own signature twist.

Most will often consider two major types of Vermouth: Red Vermouth, with a sweet flavour, intensely amber in colour, and of Italian origin, and the somewhat drier White Vermouth, with a higher alcohol content, straw colour, and of French origin.

Vermouth should not be too bitter or perfumed, nor have an excessively high alcoholic content.

Buy Vermouth at I Like Wine today. Cheapest price online, 5% off for new customers. AU-wide delivery and free shipping available. Shop now
